I said my earlier post was yesterday's prompt, but then I realized I'm two days behind. This is actually yesterday's prompt: What small thing gives you hope for living with Migraine?
After 11 years of trying all sorts of medications (I stopped counting in 2012 when the number was close to 40.), acupuncture, crazy diets, nerve blocks, Botox, a TENS unit, two inpatient hospital stays, two outpatient infusions, and two surgeries, all with no improvement, it can get frustrating.
But I cling to the small victories; I celebrate them. A win is a win, no matter how small. My victories are things other people take for granted, like being able to go to a movie (even if I have to wear earplugs), getting to have dinner with a friend, being able to clean my room, staying on my laptop for more than 10 minutes without feeling nauseated, going an entire week without missing work, even being able to watch an entire movie on TV.
Those things always boost my spirits and give me hope that one day migraine won't control my life anymore. My hope will not be shaken.
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