At every doctor's appointment I've ever been to I've been asked to describe the pain I feel and haven't had a good explanation. I've stammered out with something like, "You know, it hurts." Yesterday I came up with the best metaphor for my headache ever. (The key word here is metaphor, by the way. This is imaginary.)
Elves. There are elves living in my head. You know, like the Keebler elves--the teeny, tiny, busy ones. They're very angry elves. You would be too if you were stuck inside somebody's head. They try so hard to get out. Sometimes I wish they'd just jump out through my mouth, but they never get past my throat. They bang their little hammers on my temples. They set off explosives. One has a hot air balloon that he tries to inflate, but it's too big to fit in my head; it just makes my head feel really full. They do take breaks occasionally. When they do though, they sit on my eyeballs to rest. Darn those elves.
If you know any tricks for getting rid of an elf infestation, let me know. It's getting out of hand.
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