I'm a little late, but I've decided to start a 365-day photo challenge. Unless I find a better one later I'm using the challenge created by fatmumslim.com.au. I couldn't find any good American ones. I can't say I'll post my photos here every day (You know I'm bad at blogging.), but I'll post them as often as I can.
January 1: Today
I spent my day curled up under a blanket reading. My favorite things and a great way to start the new year. This particular blanket was made by a former prostitute in India named Priti. I got it from an organization called Sari Bari. They help women who want to escape prostitution. The women make purses and blankets and such out of saris. Each item comes with the name of the woman who made it. Really neat ministry. Check it out: saribari.com