Teaching is actually going really well. None of my scary dreams about school have come true. That doesn't mean I'm still not having them though. I'm just a natural worrier, I guess, and I feel totally incompetent as a teacher. Other people seem to think I'm pretty good at it. My assistant principal thought I'd been teaching for years, and my head principal volunteered me to be observed by an education student from Ole Miss. I think they just happen to walk in my room at the right moments. They only see the good things. They don't walk in when I'm trying to give directions and have to say it three times before it makes sense or when 15 out of my 28 students are running around the room and yelling at each other. Not that that's a bad thing. I'd much rather them think I'm good at what I do. I just think they have a heightened opinion. I know I'm not as good as they think. But that's okay. I'm steadily getting better, and I'm enjoying (almost) every moment of it.
Thank God I'm not an architect.