The Waiting Game is my least favorite game. Seriously, it's worse than Risk or Monopoly--and usually lasts even longer. As such, the last few months have been pretty difficult. I feel like all I've done since February is wait--wait to hear back from grad school applications, wait to hear about financial aid, wait for a job interview, wait for a place to live. In case you've forgotten, I plan like it's my job, and not being able to do that has been difficult for me. I used to tell people that my biggest fear isn't spiders or heights or something else on the list of obviously scary things; my biggest fear is uncertainty. I hate not knowing. I need a plan always.
However, God knows that about me. And He wants to change that about me. So He makes me wait. Every decision in my life over the past few years has been sort of last minute. I plan and plan and plan, but then at the very last minute something happens that makes no logical sense at all and trumps all my plans. The Waiting Game part of that is frustrating, but nothing is more comforting than knowing what's happening in my life can only be the result of my Father's planning--not my own.
Like I said, I've waited and waited all semester for "the plan". I even graduated and had no clue what I was going to do or where I was going to live or how I was going to pay for groceries. I think the whole time I was stressing over it God was giggling a little and saying to the angels, "Hey, watch this!" Because He knew the whole time what He was going to do. And He knew the whole time that it was going to be way better than what I thought I needed or wanted.
Well, long story short, I now have a job. I'm going to be living in Memphis with a couple of friends and working at Horn Lake High School teaching ninth grade English. I don't know that I've ever been more excited about anything before. And looking back at the way the Lord brought me here is absolutely amazing. The Waiting Game was well worth it.